
10200 Neapolis Waterville Road
Waterville Ohio 43566




Stove Fan Engine Casting Kit


This new Stirling cycle engine is designed to run from the heat of a wood stove. That is, you simply set the fan engine on a hot wood stove, wait 5 minutes or so as it heats up, and give the blades a spin. It should run as long as the stove top is hot. It does not run from an “up-draft” but from the pressure and vacuum built up inside the engine.

The new “Stove Fan Engine” runs like a dream! When we finished the prototype, we set it on a 350 deg. surface and five minutes later it was pushing air. By far, this was the most hassle free Stirling engine I have ever built. After experimenting with a range of temperatures, we took it from the heated surface and set it on a block of wood to cool. To our amazement, the fan continued to run for almost ½ hour before coming to a stop.

A “fun” feature of this engine is the glass globe in the lower section of the cylinder. This allows one to watch the displacer piston bouncing up and down as it runs. I used a readily available globe from a Coleman gas lantern (approx. $15.00).

The design work on its frame and base plate cover make it an attractive, yet practical, addition to any wood burning stove.



General Specs.

Name: DSF

Expanded name: Dean Stove fan

Original engine designer/date: Dean Myers/2007

Kit designer/date: Dean Myers/ 2007

Pattern designer/date: Dean Myers/2007

Type of engine: Hot Air fan

Bore and stroke: 1 Sterling Cycle Engine

Engine size:

Materials: cast aluminum

Flywheel: 18-inch fan assy.

Number of castings

Number of engines built: 10

Description: This fan was designed to sit on any  source of heat. A wood stove has a great source of warmth to cause the engine to run. The benefit of having a fan on the fan on the top of the stove to circulate air with out power.

Print type: AutoCAD generated prints. 12 sheets 8.5 x 11

Scale: Full

  • Overall height 24 ¾ in.
  • Base to fan shaft 15 ¾ in.
  • Fan blade dia. 18 in.
  • Base dia. 9 in.
  • Power piston bore 1 ¾ in.
  • Displacer piston bore 4 in.

Stove Fan Engine Casting Kit

The Casting kit includes 10 aluminum castings and drawings:

  • Base
  • Base cover
  • Cylinder
  • Frame
  • Power Piston
  • Power Piston Rod
  • 3 Displacer piston link ends
  • Aluminum Fan Blade Hub
  • Steel tube for cylinder sleeve




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