
14020 Albain Rd
Petersburg, MI 49270



Engine Photos

Finished Engine Photos

Have you built a model engine?
We are starting a new page with photos of your finished engines. These models can be ones you have made from scratch, from our castings, or from another supplier.

We are in the process of collecting photos from fellow modelers for our new web page. Our hope is to feature the handiwork of serious modelers around the world. This is not a contest, nor are models going to be rated in any way. We all have differing skill levels and I trust we can have an appreciation for everyone’s hard work.

We will have only a few requirements.

  • For the purpose of this site, we are asking that the models ones that you have personally machined and not purchased completed. Note: It is not a problem if a minor part of the machining was hired out. Keep in mind, this is to display your handiwork.
  • Your submitted model photo needs to be of a machined antique engine, machine, or piece of equipment.
  • We can only accept one photo per engine.

Please submit as much of the following as possible.

  • Your name, city and state.
  • Type of engine (ei. Steam, Hot air, Gas, ..)
  • Name of Mfgr. of the original (if applicable)
  • Year of manufacturing of the original (if applicable)
  • Year you finished the model.
  • Size (ie. Hp, Piston, …) of original and of the model
  • Approximate scale
  • Physical size (including a few major dimensions)
  • Brief description of the engine including any unique features
  • A descriptive photo

Surely, we will all enjoy looking at the craftsmanship. Thank you in advance for your participation.

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